Input DatetimeLocal step Property

Input DatetimeLocal Object Reference Input DatetimeLocal Object


Change the legal number intervals for seconds in a local date field:

document.getElementById("myLocalDate").step = "10";
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Definition and Usage

The step property sets or returns the value of the step attribute of a local datetime field.

The step attribute specifies the legal number intervals for seconds or milliseconds in a local datetime field (does not apply for days, months, years, hours or minutes).

Example: if step="2", legal numbers could be 0, 2, 4, etc.

Tip: The step attribute is often used together with the max and min attributes to create a range of legal values.

Browser Support

Internet Explorer Firefox Opera Google Chrome Safari

The step property is supported in all major browsers.

Note: The step property is not supported in Internet Explorer 9 and earlier versions.

Note: The <input type="datetime-local"> element is not supported in Internet Explorer or Firefox.


Return the step property:


Set the step property:


Property Values

Value Description
number Specifies the legal number intervals in the local datetime field.

For seconds:

  • Use numbers that will eventually reach "60". Like: "1, "2", "10", "30", etc.

For milliseconds:

  • Start with "." and use numbers that eventually will reach "1000". Like ".010", ".050", ".20", etc.

Technical Details

Return Value: A Number, representing the legal number intervals for seconds or milliseconds

More Examples


Change the legal number intervals for milliseconds in a local date field:

document.getElementById("myLocalDate").step = ".020";
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Get the legal number intervals for seconds in a local date field:

var x = document.getElementById("myLocalDate").step;

The result of x will be:

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Related Pages

HTML reference: HTML <input> step Attribute

Input DatetimeLocal Object Reference Input DatetimeLocal Object